Become a VDR
Change does not happen without volunteers. One of the many ways to get involved is helping register voters by becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR.)
Volunteer Deputy Registrars are entrusted with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. They are appointed by county voter registrars and charged with helping increase voter registration in the state. They can only register people in the county that they are appointed to by the county registrar. If they wish to register voters in other counties they need to go to the county elections office and present them with the VDR certificate and request to be appointed as a VDR in that county. Some VDRs have done this for a dozen or so counties. It is a tedious process that exists only in Texas as does still being unable to register to vote online.
Accept applications for voter registration from residents of Calhoun County who are not already registered to vote.
Accept change forms from registered voters who wish to change information on their voter registration certificates.
Hand out applications for requesting replacements of missing voter registration certificates.
Help an applicant fill out the registration application if the applicant cannot read or has a physical disability.
A person must be 18 years of age or older
Be a United States citizen
Not have been determined by final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated, or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote
Not have been finally convicted of a felony, or if convicted, must have fully discharged the sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, or supervision, or been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote
Never been convicted of failing to deliver a voter registration application to a voter registrar
New standardized training curriculum has been developed by the Secretary of State as prescribed by the 82nd legislature.
In some counties you can take a 30 minute training course which is then immediately followed by deputation. In Calhoun County you can read the official SoS VDR Guide, the official SoS PowerPoint Presentation (PDF), and the official questions (20).
After which you can contact the Calhoun County Elections Office and state that you have read the Guide, the PP Presentation, and the questions and are ready to take the test. After passing the test it is immediately followed by deputation.
Calhoun County Elections Office
Mary Ann Orta - Election Administrator
Office Hours/horas de oficina
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 5PM
lunes – viernes: 8AM – 5PM
211 S. Ann Ste. 103
Port Lavaca, Tx 77979
Office Phone/telefono: 361-553-4440
Fax: 361-552-4443
You may be appointed a deputy voter registrar at any time. However, your appointment as a deputy voter registrar automatically expires on December 31st of an even-numbered year, or earlier if:
You fail to deliver a completed voter registration application to the registrar by the 5th day after the date received
If you fail to properly review a voter registration application
If you intentionally destroy or physically alter a voter registration application
All election materials issued to a deputy registrar, including the certificate of appointment, receipt books, receipts, applications and other forms in the volunteer deputy’s possession, must be returned or accounted for upon termination of appointment.