2024 General Election Data
For those of you who like to pour over election data and find the Secretary of State's website confusing to use you can go to the Election Data page to look at various election data. What this page will focus on is JUST the 2024 Election Data and comparing it to 2022, 2020, and 2018. (2024 Data to be added, past data will be put into an excel file (at a later time))
This is Work In Progress because early voting is going on RIGHT NOW and it will take WEEKS to get the finally count for ALL states.
If you are curious about Early Voting turnout not just for our county but also statewide or nationwide please check out the following.
The Modeling Data from below is from 2022 because the new data is still coming in. I use TargetEarly for their early voting data. I wait until AFTER the election to screencap their data results. This is because some states take weeks to fully county all their votes.
But you can go to the TargetEarly website yourself and see where we are now and how it compares to past elections.
The Nationwide early voting you can find at Election Lab.
Calhoun & Texas is a WIP but it has the new data on early vote turnout. So if you want to know how the turnout is going compared to previous years this is where you go to find the information.
Nationwide results
Calhoun & Texas early vote day by day
For easy to understand graphs and models: https://targetearly.targetsmart.com/g2024
Understanding modeled data
A highlight of TargetEarly is its early and absentee partisan affiliation reporting. For some states, TargetSmart is able to collect official party registration information for voters. In other cases, state governments do not make this information available. When official party registration information is not available, TargetSmart does the next best thing which is to predict the party affiliation of voters. Like any prediction there may be inaccuracies. We are careful to label our predictions as "Modeled" so you can understand this is a prediction of party affiliation.
Party registration and predicted party alignment statistics are not intended to predict votes or election outcome
Voters don't always vote lock step with their party registration/alignment. Please do not mistake TargetSmart's prediction of party alignment with election outcome predictions.
How are modeled Democrat and Republican party alignment determined?
TargetSmart has developed a proprietary partisanship classification model to determine the likely political affiliation of a voter. This predictive model is trained using survey data and incorporates various data points such as vote history, party affiliation (where available), consumer interests, and demographic information to make a prediction of how likely a person is to align with the Democratic party. Those marked as Unaffiliated did not fall into a score range where we could make a confident prediction of affiliation.
The partisan model was constructed using over 56,000 survey respondents, both over the phone and online. Model scores are expressed from 0-100, representing the probability that a person identifies as a Democrat. The model was used to score over 256 million voting age persons nationwide.
Texas Statewide 2022 Early & Absentee Vote Report
Texas State Senate District 18 2022 Early & Absentee Vote Report
Senate Battleground 2022 Early & Absentee Vote Report
Senate Battleground States: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wisconsin
Election Lab Nationwide Data
Nationwide: (as of)
Monday 10/28/24
Total Early Votes: 43,853,849 (43.8m)
In-Person Early Votes: 22,360,658 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 21,521,385 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 65,407,793 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 8,652,304 - 39.8 %
Republican: 7,828,426 - 36.0 %
None/Minor: 5,240,992 - 24.1 %
TOTAL: 21,721,722 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 735,201 - 6.5 %
26-40: 1,496,602 - 13.2 %
41-65: 4,238,225 - 37.4 %
Over 65: 4,866,421 - 42.9 %
TOTAL: 11,336,449 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 5,683,913 - 54.2 %
Male: 4,590,240 - 43.8 %
Unknown: 213,382 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 10,487,535 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,260,092 - 65.7 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,437,306 - 22.2 %
Hispanic: 142,000 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,576 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 27,257 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 503,910 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 6,485,141 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,361,519 - 31.7 %
Republican: 2,958,852 - 39.7 %
None/Minor: 2,134,885 - 28.6 %
TOTAL: 7,455,256 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 456,199 - 7.1 %
26-40: 929,258 - 14.5 %
41-65: 2,667,394 - 41.6 %
65+: 2,362,008 - 36.8 %
TOTAL: 6,414,859 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,422,691 - 53.8 %
Male: 2,765,474 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 179,330 - 2.8 %
TOTAL: 6,367,495 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,451,233 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,170,389 - 22.0 %
Hispanic: 134,942 - 2.5 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 103,783 - 1.9 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 26,095 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 437,265 - 8.2 %
TOTAL: 5,323,707 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,016,828 44.6 % 19,370,322 31.1 %
Republican: 4,521,164 33.5 % 14,530,791 31.1 %
None/Minor: 2,967,256 22.0 % 14,091,617 21.1 %
TOTAL: 13,505,248 100 % 47,992,730 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,0385.6 % 1,174,41923.8 %
26-40: 567,41411.5 % 2,219,23325.6 %
41-65: 1,561,78431.6 % 3,860,81840.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,84251.3 % 4,101,12061.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078100 % 11,355,59043.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,33754.4 % 4,750,39938.5 %
Male: 1,497,81244.6 % 4,080,07036.7 %
Unknown: 33,6731.0 % 97,13834.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822100 % 8,927,60737.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,18166.8 % 562,13047.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,07219.8 % 170,85346.3 %
Hispanic: 7,0581.8 % 21,55432.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,7932.7 % 28,68137.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,1620.3 % 3,52433.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,9508.7 % 89,37239.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216100 % 876,11446.0 %
Total Early Votes: 15,568,801 (15.5m)
In-Person Early Votes: 5,207,152 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 10,361,649 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 55,808,607 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 3,853,517 (3.8m) - 47.1%
Republican: 2,588,148 (2.5m) - 31.7%
None/Minor: 1,733,167 (1.7m) - 21.2%
TOTAL: 8,174,832 (8.1m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 132,075 - 3.4%
26-40: 295,041 - 7.7%
41-65: 1,430,692 (1.4m) - 37.4%
Over 65: 1,970,584 (1.9m) - 51.5%
TOTAL: 3,828,392 (3.8m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 1,734,067 (1.7m) - 54.4%
Male: 1,419,307 (1.4m) - 44.5%
Unknown: 34,954 - 1.1%
TOTAL: 3,188,328 (3.1m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 1,435,881 (1.4m) - 64.4%
Non-Hisp Black: 574,398 - 25.8%
Hispanic: 28,832 - 1.3%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 27,266 - 1.2%
Non-Hisp Native American: 5,934 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 158,323 - 7.1%
TOTAL: 2,230,634 (2.2m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 438,772 - 35.9%
Republican: 430,515 - 35.3%
None/Minor: 351,339 - 28.8%
TOTAL: 1,220,626 (1.2m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 3,349,683 (3.3m) 49.2% 18,088,787 (18m) 18.5%
Republican: 2,095,782 (2.09) 30.8% 11,306,844 (11.3m) 18.5%
None/Minor: 1,361,734 (1.3m) 20.0% 12,745,438 (12.7m) 10.7%
TOTAL: 6,807,199 (6.8m) 100.0% 42,141,069 (42.1m) 16.2%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 67,402 3.5% 264,127 25.5%
26-40: 138,143 7.2% 440,107 31.4%
41-65: 576,800 30.0% 1,303,791 (1.3m) 44.2%
Over 65: 1,139,799 (1.1m) 59.3% 1,932,012 (1.9m) 59.0%
TOTAL: 1,922,144 (1.9m) 100.0% 3,940,037 (3.9m) 48.8%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 638,112 56.4% 1,410,250 (1.4m) 45.2%
Male: 488,696 43.2% 1,025,783 (1.0m) 47.6%
TOTAL: 1,131,765 (1.1m) 100.0% 2,456,457 (2.4m) 24.3%
TOTAL: 1,131,765 (1.1m) 100.0% 2,456,457 (2.4m) 46.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 142,250 63.5% 347,407 40.9%
Non-Hisp Black: 57,296 25.6% 129,573 44.2%
Hispanic: 3,116 1.4% 10,856 28.7%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 4,591 2.1% 15,542 29.5%
Non-Hisp Native American: 546 0.2% 1,690 32.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 16,117 7.2% 48,907 33.0%
TOTAL: 223,916 100.0% 553,975 40.4%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Total Early Votes: 21,174,265 (21.17m)
In-Person Early Votes: 8,326,118 (8.32m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 12,848,147 (12.84m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 56,187,998 (56.18m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 5,044,704 (5.04m) - 45.2%
Republican: 3,712,115 (3.71m) - 33.3%
None/Minor: 2,405,970 (2.4m) - 21.6%
TOTAL: 11,162,789 (11.16m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 132,075 - 3.8%
26-40: 392,350 - 8.4%
41-65: 1,829,317 (1.82m) - 39.1%
Over 65: 2,276,539 (2.27m) - 51.5%
TOTAL: 4,675,200 (4.67m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 2,208,134 (2.2m) - 54.4%
Male: 1,795,606 (1.79m) - 44.3%
Unknown: 51,695 - 1.3%
TOTAL: 4,055,435 (4.0m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 1,956,825 (1.95m) - 64.8%
Non-Hisp Black: 757,595 - 25.1%
Hispanic: 41,105 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 39,023 - 1.3%
Non-Hisp Native American: 8,302 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 217,654 - 7.2%
TOTAL: 3,020,504 (3.02m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 842,964 - 34.7%
Republican: 951,759 - 39.2%
None/Minor: 635,773 - 26.2%
TOTAL: 2,430,496 (2.43m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 4,107,624 (4.1m) 48.3% 18,276,180 (18.27m) 22.5%
Republican: 2,661,640 (2.66) 31.3% 11,477,867 (11.47m) 23.2%
None/Mino 1,738,387 (1.73m) 20.4% 12,524,352 (12.52m) 13.9%
TOTAL: 8,507,651 (8.5m) 100.0% 42,278,399 (42.27m) 20.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 75,705 3.6% 267,583 28.3%
26-40: 153,706 7.3% 449,883 34.2%
41-65: 634,889 30.2% 1,325,073 (1.32m) 47.9%
Over 65: 1,241,057 (1.24m) 58.9% 1,953,809 (1.95m) 63.5%
TOTAL: 2,105,357 (2.1m) 100.0% 3,996,348 (3.99m) 52.7%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 709,695 56.5% 1,433,930 (1.43m) 49.5%
Male: 539,950 43.0% 1,042,811 (1.0m) 51.8%
Unknown: 6,264 0.5% 21,505 29.1%
TOTAL: 1,255,909 (1.25m) 100.0% 2,498,246 (2.49m) 50.3%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 175,253 63.2% 363,482 48.2%
Non-Hisp Black: 70,526 25.4% 135,579 52.0%
Hispanic: 4,009 1.4% 11,393 35.2%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 6,108 2.2% 16,306 37.5%
Non-Hisp Native American: 672 0.2% 1,782 37.7%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 20,690 7.5% 51,558 40.1%
TOTAL: 277,258 100.0% 580,100 47.8%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Total Early Votes: 23,203,840 (23.0m)
In-Person Early Votes: 9,513,504 (9.51m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 13,690,336 (13.69m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 56,361,413 (56.36m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 5,350,302 (5.35m) - 44.9%
Republican: 3,967,478 (3.96m) - 33.3%
None/Minor: 2,588,641 (2.58m) - 21.7%
TOTAL: 11,906,421 (11.9m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 186,467 - 3.8%
26-40: 411,012 - 8.5%
41-65: 1,905,126 (1.9m) - 39.3%
Over 65: 2,345,657 (2.34m) - 48.4%
TOTAL: 4,848,262 (4.84m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 2,321,460 (2.32m) - 54.5%
Male: 1,884,122 (1.88m) - 44.2%
Unknown: 54,005 - 1.3%
TOTAL: 4,259,587 (4.25m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 2,018,177 (2m) - 64.6%
Non-Hisp Black: 786,281 - 25.2%
Hispanic: 42,705 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 41,044 - 1.3%
Non-Hisp Native American: 8,464 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 225,113 - 7.2%
TOTAL: 3,121,784 (3.12m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 956,133 - 35.1%
Republican: 1,061,282 (1m) - 38.9%
None/Minor: 707,628 - 26.0%
TOTAL: 2,725,043 (2.72m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 4,285,121 (4.28m) 48.0% 18,305,229 (18.3m) 23.4%
Republican: 2,791,484 (2.79m) 31.3% 11,500,800 (11.5m) 24.3%
None/Minor: 1,842,885 (1.84m) 20.7% 12,542,602 (12.54m) 14.7%
TOTAL: 8,919,490 (8.91m) 100.0% 42,348,631 (42.34m) 21.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 79,448 3.6% 271,468 29.3%
26-40: 160,391 7.3% 454,903 35.3%
41-65: 663,983 30.3% 1,337,175 (1.33m) 49.7%
Over 65: 1,288,233 (1.28m) 58.8% 1,962,295 (1.96m) 65.6%
TOTAL: 2,192,055 (2.19m) 100.0% 4,025,841 (4m) 54.4%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 756,018 56.6% 1,447,944 (1.44m) 52.2%
Male: 573,881 42.9% 1,053,504 (1.0m) 54.5%
Unknown: 6,360 0.5% 21,739 29.3%
TOTAL: 1,336,259 (1.33m) 100.0% 2,523,187 (2.52m) 50.3%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 180,350 63.2% 366,288 49.2%
Non-Hisp Black: 72,630 25.5% 136,705 53.1%
Hispanic: 4,115 1.4% 11,491 35.8%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 6,298 2.2% 16,497 38.2%
Non-Hisp Native American: 685 0.2% 1,800 38.1%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 21,068 7.4% 51,963 40.5%
TOTAL: 285,146 100.0% 584,744 48.8%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Total Early Votes: 33,235,489 (33.23m)
In-Person Early Votes: 14,087,391 (14m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 19,148,098 (19.14m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 57,411,408 (57.41m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 7,380,246 (7.38m) - 43.9%
Republican: 5,640,956 (5.64m) - 33.6%
None/Minor: 3,788,809 (3.78m) - 22.5%
TOTAL: 16,810,011 (16.8m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 268,449 - 4.2%
26-40: 596,656 - 9.4%
41-65: 2,553,916 (2.55m) - 40.4%
Over 65: 2,899,334 (2.89m) - 45.9%
TOTAL: 6,318,355 (6.31m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 3,541,131 (3.54m) - 54.0%
Male: 2,931,997 (2.93m) - 44.7%
Unknown: 81,431 - 1.2%
TOTAL: 6,554,559 (6.55m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 2,659,956 (2.65m) - 64.6%
Non-Hisp Black: 1,005,735 (1m) - 24.6%
Hispanic: 57,512 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 54,600 - 1.3%
Non-Hisp Native American: 11,675 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 298,316 - 7.3%
TOTAL: 4,087,794 (4m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 1,442,066 (1.44m) - 34.4%
Republican: 1,656,507 (1.65m) - 39.6%
None/Minor: 1,089,128 (1m) - 26.0%
TOTAL: 4,187,701 (4.18m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 5,785,402 (5.78m) 47.2% 18,262,041 (18.26m) 31.7%
Republican: 3,825,910 (3.82m) 31.2% 11,448,937 (11.4m) 33.4%
None/Minor: 2,645,045 (2.64m) 21.6% 12,853,380 (12.85m) 20.6%
TOTAL: 12,256,357 (12.25m) 100.0% 42,564,358 (42.56m) 28.8%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 119,301 4.3% 295,577 40.4%
26-40: 229,832 8.2% 484,059 47.5%
41-65: 884,722 31.6% 1,397,687 (1.39m) 63.3%
Over 65: 1,562,433 (1.56m) 55.9% 2,003,538 (2m) 78.0%
TOTAL: 2,796,288 (2.79m) 100.0% 4,180,861 (4.1m) 66.9%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 951,285 56.7% 1,485,805 (1.48m) 64.0%
Male: 718,497 42.8% 1,083,546 (1.0m) 66.3%
Unknown: 8,256 0.5% 23,054 35.8%
TOTAL: 1,678,038 (1.67m) 100.0% 2,592,405 (2.59m) 64.7%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 226,082 63.5% 375,642 60.2%
Non-Hisp Black: 88,433 24.8% 138,933 63.7%
Hispanic: 5,412 1.5% 11,833 45.7%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 8,368 2.4% 16,832 49.7%
Non-Hisp Native American: 869 0.2% 1,841 47.2%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 26,860 7.5% 53,533 50.2%
TOTAL: 356,024 100.0% 598,614 59.5%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Total Early Votes: 38,919,439 (38.91m)
In-Person Early Votes: 17,459,787 (17.45m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 21,459,652 (21.45m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 57,844,166 (57.84m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 8,465,922 (8.46m) - 43.3%
Republican: 6,591,431 (6.59m) - 33.7%
None/Minor: 4,478,886 (4.47m) - 22.9%
TOTAL: 19,536,239 (19.53m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 349,885 - 4.8%
26-40: 775,151 - 10.6%
41-65: 3,033,551 (3.03m) - 41.5%
Over 65: 3,159,288 (3.15m) - 43.2%
TOTAL: 7,317,875 (7.31m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 4,107,947 (4.1m) - 54.1%
Male: 3,371,103 (3.37m) - 44.4%
Unknown: 108,044 - 1.4%
TOTAL: 7,587,094 (7.58m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,163,872 (3.16m) - 64.7%
Non-Hisp Black: 1,196,556 (1.19m) - 24.5%
Hispanic: 75,561 - 1.5%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 69,414 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Native American: 15,154 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 372,228 - 7.6%
TOTAL: 4,892,785 (4.89m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 1,853,374 (1.85m) - 34.0%
Republican: 2,167,702 (12.16m) - 39.8%
None/Minor: 1,430,070 (1.43m) - 26.0%
TOTAL: 5,451,146 (5.45m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 6,470,497 (6.47m) 47.0% 18,353,582 (18.35m) 35.3%
Republican: 4,284,732 (4.28m) 31.2% 11,508,315 (11.5m) 37.2%
None/Minor: 2,997,335 (2.99m) 21.8% 12,924,494 (12.92m) 23.2%
TOTAL: 13,752,564 (13.75m) 100.0% 42,786,391 (42.78m) 32.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 138,439 4.6% 297,993 46.5%
26-40: 258,777 8.6% 487,571 53.1%
41-65: 965,140 32.0% 1,408,225 (1.40m) 68.5%
Over 65: 1,650,560 (1.65m) 54.8% 2,010,444 (2.01m) 82.1%
TOTAL: 3,012,916 (3.01m) 100.0% 4,204,233 (4.2m) 71.7%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 1,023,024 (1.02m) 56.7% 1,494,383 (1.49m) 68.5%
Male: 770,454 42.7% 1,090,639 (1.09m) 70.6%
Unknown: 9,985 0.6% 23,122 43.2%
TOTAL: 1,803,463 (1.80m) 100.0% 2,608,144 (2.60m) 69.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 254,108 63.5% 375,113 67.7%
Non-Hisp Black: 97,832 24.4% 138,359 70.7%
Hispanic: 6,310 1.6% 11,798 53.5%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 9,739 2.4% 16,728 58.2%
Non-Hisp Native American: 994 0.2% 1,832 54.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 31,179 7.8% 53,440 58.3%
TOTAL: 400,162 100.0% 597,270 67.0%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Total Early Votes: 39,272,372 (39.27m)
In-Person Early Votes: 17,666,506 (17.66m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 21,605,866 (21.60m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 57,843,605 (57.84m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 8,593,933 (8.59m) - 43.2%
Republican: 6,739,408 (6.73m) - 33.9%
None/Minor: 4,552,094 (4.55m) - 22.9%
TOTAL: 19,885,435 (19.88m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 350,352 - 4.8%
26-40: 775,900 - 10.6%
41-65: 3,035,022 (3.03m) - 41.5%
Over 65: 3,160,736 (3.16m) - 43.2%
TOTAL: 7,322,010 (7.32m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 4,110,433 (4.11m) - 54.1%
Male: 3,372,740 (3.37m) - 44.4%
Unknown: 108,090 - 1.4%
TOTAL: 7,591,263 (7.59m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,166,007 (3.16m) - 64.7%
Non-Hisp Black: 1,197,800 (1.19m) - 24.5%
Hispanic: 75,662 - 1.5%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 69,605 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Native American: 15,168 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 372,712 - 7.6%
TOTAL: 4,896,954 (4.89m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 1,916,529 (1.91m) - 33.9%
Republican: 2,263,425 (2.26m) - 40.1%
None/Minor: 1,468,102 (1.46m) - 26.0%
TOTAL: 5,648,056 (5.64m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 6,536,479 (6.53m) 47.0% 18,353,587 (18.35m) 35.6%
Republican: 4,322,236 (4.32m) 31.1% 11,508,316 (11.5m) 37.6%
None/Minor: 3,042,974 (3.04m) 21.8% 12,924,494 (12.92m) 23.5%
TOTAL: 13,901,689 (13.90m) 100.0% 42,786,397 (42.78m) 32.5%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 138,827 4.6% 297,856 46.6%
26-40: 259,378 8.6% 487,435 53.2%
41-65: 966,352 32.0% 1,407,907 (1.40m) 68.6%
Over 65: 1,651,885 (1.65m) 54.8% 2,010,310 (2.01m) 82.2%
TOTAL: 3,016,442 (3.01m) 100.0% 4,203,508 (4.20m) 71.8%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 1,025,153 (1.02m) 56.7% 1,493,956 (1.49m) 68.6%
Male: 771,840 42.7% 1,090,341 (1.09m) 70.8%
Unknown: 10,018 0.6% 23,11 43.3%
TOTAL: 1,807,011 (1.80m) 100.0% 2,607,416 (2.60m) 69.3%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 255,939 63.4% 374,675 68.3%
Non-Hisp Black: 98,906 24.5% 138,216 71.6%
Hispanic: 6,391 1.6% 11,774 54.3%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 9,898 2.5% 16,693 59.3%
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,005 0.2% 1,827 55.0%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 31,571 7.8% 53,357 59.2%
TOTAL: 403,710 100.0% 596,542 67.7%
Total Early Votes: 41,135,100 (41.13m)
In-Person Early Votes: 18,649,014 (18.64m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 22,486,086 (22.48m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 57,948,195 (57.94m)
Detailed state statistics
AK | AR | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | LA | MD | MA | ME | MI | MN | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NJ | NM | NV | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | WA | WI | WV | VA | UT | VT
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Democrat: 9,137,084 (9.13m) - 42.9%
Republican: 7,232,770 (7.23m) - 34.0%
None/Minor: 4,929,148 (4.92m) - 23.1%
TOTAL: 21,299,002 (21.29m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
18-25: 388,308 - 5.0%
26-40: 852,654 - 11.0%
41-65: 3,240,059 (3.24m) - 41.8%
Over 65: 3,277,524 (3.27m) - 42.2%
TOTAL: 7,758,545 (7.75m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Female: 4,331,156 (4.33m) - 54.2%
Male: 3,545,583 (3.54m) - 44.3%
Unknown: 120,806 - 1.5%
TOTAL: 7,997,545 (7.99m) - 100.0%
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,284,204 (3.28m) - 64.6%
Non-Hisp Black: 1,238,544 (1.23m) - 24.4%
Hispanic: 80,132 - 1.6%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 72,694 - 1.4%
Non-Hisp Native American: 15,984 - 0.3%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 388,692 - 7.7%
TOTAL: 5,080,250 (5.08m) - 100.0%
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, CO, FL, KS, LA, NC, NM, UT
Democrat: 2,184,843 (2.18m) - 33.9%
Republican: 2,552,667 (2.55m) - 39.6%
None/Minor: 1,708,043 (1.70m) - 26.5%
TOTAL: 6,445,553 (6.44m) - 100.0%
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, KS, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, OK, OR, PA, SD, UT, WV
Party Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Democrat: 6,809,257 (6.80m) 46.9% 18,357,610 (18.35m) 37.1%
Republican: 4,525,343 (4.52m) 31.2% 12,707,345 (12.70m) 35.6%
None/Minor: 3,179,631 (3.17m) 21.9% 11,731,407 (11.73m) 27.1%
TOTAL: 14,514,231 (14.51m) 100.0% 42,796,362 (42.79m) 33.9%
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CT, GA, KS, LA, MI, NC, PA
Age Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
18-25: 155,898 4.8% 301,703 51.7%
26-40: 289,326 9.0% 492,591 58.7%
41-65: 1,049,437 (1.04m) 32.6% 1,424,509 (1.42m) 73.7%
Over 65: 1,726,928 (1.72m) 53.6% 2,017,008 (2.01m) 85.6%
TOTAL: 3,221,589 (3.22m) 100.0% 4,235,811 (4.23m) 76.1%
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: GA, KS, LA, MI, NC
Gender Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Female: 1,122,816 (1.12m) 56.8% 1,511,483 (1.51m) 74.3%
Male: 844,762 42.7% 1,105,479 (1.10m) 76.4%
Unknown: 10,827 0.5% 23,160 46.7%
TOTAL: 1,978,405 (1.97m) 100.0% 2,640,122 (2.64m) 74.9%
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, LA, NC, SC
Race/Ethnicity Returned Freq. Requested Return Rate
Non-Hisp White: 261,827 63.5% 374,800 69.9%
Non-Hisp Black: 99,988 24.3% 138,242 72.3%
Hispanic: 6,605 1.6% 11,781 56.1%
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,146 2.5% 16,696 60.8%
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,045 0.3% 1,827 57.2%
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 32,470 7.9% 53,402 60.8%
TOTAL: 412,081 100.0% 596,748 69.1%
Nationwide: (as of)
Tuesday 10/29/24
Total Early Votes: 49,905,905
In-Person Early Votes: 26,311,688 (5.2m)
Mail Ballots Returned: 23,667,421 (10.3m)
Mail Ballots Requested: 66,613,034 (55.8m)
By Party:
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 9,465,298 - 39.4 %
Republican: 8,714,001 - 36.3 %
None/Minor: 5,847,264 - 24.3 %
TOTAL: 24,026,563 - 100 %
Total Voted by Age:
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 885,899 - 6.8 %
26-40: 1,826,023 - 14.0 %
41-65: 4,966,901 - 38.2 %
Over 65: 5,317,937 - 40.9 %
TOTAL: 12,996,760 - 100 %
Total Voted by Gender:
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 6,474,891 - 54.1 %
Male: 5,249,652 - 43.9 %
Unknown: 241,198 - 2.0 %
TOTAL: 11,965,741 - 100 %
Total Voted by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 4,653,938 - 65.6 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,567,940 - 22.1 %
Hispanic: 158,372 - 2.2 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 126,307 - 1.8 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 30,359 - 0.4 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 555,947 - 7.8 %
TOTAL: 7,092,863 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Democrat: 2,742,044 - 31.8 %
Republican: 3,446,024 - 39.9 %
None/Minor: 2,440,209 - 28.3 %
TOTAL: 8,628,277 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
18-25: 523,375 - 7.3 %
26-40: 1,078,026 - 15.1 %
41-65: 2,974,100 - 41.8 %
65+: 2,548,011 - 35.8 %
TOTAL: 7,123,512 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
Female: 3,791,327 - 53.8 %
Male: 3,059,796 - 43.4 %
Unknown: 201,455 - 2.9 %
TOTAL: 7,052,578 - 100 %
In-Person Early by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
Non-Hisp White: 3,761,164 - 64.8 %
Non-Hisp Black: 1,270,131 - 21.9 %
Hispanic: 150,684 - 2.6 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 114,578 - 2.0 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 29,074 - 0.5 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 481,631 - 8.3 %
TOTAL: 5,807,262 - 100 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Party Registration
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, ID, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NC, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, WV, WY
Party Mail Ballots Accepted % Ballots Requested %Returned
Democrat: 6,416,966 44.1 % 19,530,828 32.9 %
Republican: 4,879,358 33.5 % 13,732,350 35.5 %
None/Minor: 3,247,508 22.3 % 15,208,341 21.4 %
TOTAL: 14,543,832 100 % 48,471,519 28.1 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Age
Reporting states with age data: CO, DE, GA, ID, IA, MI, NC, PA, VA
AgeMail Ballots
18-25: 279,038 5.6 % 1,174,4192 3.8 %
26-40: 567,4141 1.5 % 2,219,2332 5.6 %
41-65: 1,561,7843 1.6 % 3,860,8184 0.5 %
Over 65: 2,532,8425 1.3 % 4,101,1206 1.8 %
TOTAL: 4,941,078 100 % 11,355,590 43.5 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Gender
Reporting states with gender data: CO, GA, ID, MI, NC, VA
GenderMail Ballots
Female: 1,827,3375 4.4 % 4,750,3993 8.5 %
Male: 1,497,8124 4.6 % 4,080,0703 6.7 %
Unknown: 33,673 1.0 % 97,1383 4.7 %
TOTAL: 3,358,822 100 % 8,927,6073 7.6 %
Returned Mail Ballots by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity
Reporting states with race and Hispanic ethnicity data: GA, NC, SC
RaceMail Ballots
Non-Hisp White: 267,1816 6.8 % 562,1304 7.5 %
Non-Hisp Black: 79,0721 9.8 % 170,8534 6.3 %
Hispanic: 7,05 81.8 % 21,5543 2.7 %
Non-Hisp Asian American: 10,793 2.7 % 28,6813 7.6 %
Non-Hisp Native American: 1,162 0.3 % 3,5243 3.0 %
Other/Multiple/Unknown: 34,950 8.7 % 89,3723 9.1 %
TOTAL: 400,216 100 % 876,1144 6.0 %
Nationwide 2020:
Total Ballots Counted (Estimate)
United States - 159,738,337 (159.73m)
Texas - 11,350,000 (11.35m)
Vote for Highest Office (President)
United States - 158,407,854
Texas - 11,315,056 (11.31m)
VEP Turnout Rate (Total Ballots Counted)
United States - 66.6%
Texas - 60.8%
VEP Turnout Rate (Highest Office)
United States - 66.0%
Texas - 60.6%
Voting-Eligible Population (VEP)
United States - 239,924,038 (239.92m)
Texas - 18,660,177 (18.66m)
Voting-Age Population (VAP)
United States - 258,339,023 (258.33m)
Texas - 21,916,249 (21.91m)
% Non-citizen
United States - 7.8%
Texas - 12.6%
United Stat - 1,461,074 (1.46m)
Texas - 154,913
United States - 1,962,811 (1.96m)
Texas - 368,167
United States - 616,440
Texas - 109,213
Total Ineligible Felon
United States - 3,294,457 (3.29m)
Texas - 492,390
Overseas Eligible
United States - 4,971,025 (4.97m)
Nationwide 2018:
Estimated or Actual 2018 Total Ballots Counted VEP Turnout Rate
United States - 50%
Texas - 45.6%
2018 Vote for Highest Office VEP Turnout Rate
United States - 49.4%
Texas - 45.6%
Estimated or Actual 2018 Total Ballots Counted
United States - 118,581, 921 (118.58m)
Texas - 8,375,000 (8.37m)
2018 Vote for Highest Office
United States - 117,069,210 (117m)
Texas - 8,371,655 (8.37m)
Voting-Eligible Population (VEP)
United States - 237,089,672 (237m)
Texas - 18,377,841 (18.37m)
Voting-Age Population (VAP)
United States - 255,801,552 (255.8m)
Texas - 21,711,618 (21.71m)
% Non-citizen
United States - 7.9%
Texas - 13.1%
United States - 1,416,810 (1.41m)
Texas - 155,327
United States - 2,126,035 (2.12m)
Texas - 374,285
United States - 494,442
Texas - 111,287
Total Ineligible Felon
United States - 3,264,172 (3.26m)
Texas - 479,956
Overseas Eligible
United States - 4,793,402 (4.79m)
Calhoun County & Texas:
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