2022 Elections Data
These are the files from the Canvass of the March 1, 2022 Primary
It is uploaded to google drive: March 1 2022 Primary
There are 4 files:
DEM BBM (Democrats Ballot by Mail, 44 pages)
DEM EV (Democrats Early Vote, 44 pages)
DEM ED (Democrats Election Day, 44 pages)
DEM March Primary Summary Results (110 pages)
Calhoun County has over 12k registered voters and less than 3k turned up to vote; 21.54%.
This is the file from the Canvass of May 24, 2022 Primary Runoff
Canvass of May 24, 2022 Primary Election Runoff (file)
Via Texas Tribune
Mike Collier won the Lt. Gov 54.8% (264,338) to Beckley 45.2% (218,369)
Rochelle Garza won AG 62.6% (307,478) to Jaworski 37.4% (183,973)
Jay Kleberg won GLO 52.9% (254,382) to Martinez 47.1% (226,249)
Janet Dudding won Comptroller 61.5% (295,376) to Vega 38.5% (184,705)
Victor Perez won SBOE D#2 56.1% (20,660) to Garcia 43.9% (16,155)
US House District 15 is too close to call Vallejo 50.1% (6,054) to Ramirez 49.9% (6,027)
US House District 28 is too close to call Cuellar 50.2% (22,694) to Cisneros 49.8% (22,517)
Ken Paxton won AG 67.9% (630,731) to Bush 32.1% (298,134)
Dawn Buckingham won GLO 68.8% (592,822) to Westley 31.2% (269,043)
Wayne Christian won RR 65% (571,797) to Stogner 35% (307,325)
Below is the barebones of the Early Voting Data. If you want a full examination of the Early Voting in comparison to 2018 and 2022 go here.
Calhoun County & Texas:
Go to: https://earlyvoting.texas-election.com/Elections/getElectionDetails.do
Select the election you want: 2022 November 8th General Election
Choose the far left drop down: Unofficial Early Voting Turnout by Date
Day 1: Monday October 24:
Registered Voters: 12,874
# In Person on 10/24/22: 373
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 373
Cumulative % In-Person: 2.9%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 139
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 512
Cumulative % Early Voting: 3.98%
Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)
# In Person on 10/24/22: 476,011
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 476,011
Cumulative % In-Person: 2.69%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 164,922
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 641,096
Cumulative % Early Voting: 3.63%
Day 2: Tuesday October 25:
Registered Voters: 12,874
# In Person on 10/25/22: 358
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 731
Cumulative % In-Person: 5.68%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 144
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 875
Cumulative % Early Voting: 6.8%
Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)
# In Person on 10/25/22: 479,531
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 955,704
Cumulative % In-Person: 5.41%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 176,357
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,132,061 (1.1m)
Cumulative % Early Voting: 6.41%
Day 3: Wednesday October 26:
Registered Voters: 12,874
# In Person on 10/26/22: 270
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,101
Cumulative % In-Person: 7.78%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 153
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,154
Cumulative % Early Voting: 8.96%
Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)
# In Person on 10/24/22: 446,258
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,401,961 (1.4m)
Cumulative % In-Person: 7.93%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 194,045
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,596,006 (1.59m)
Cumulative % Early Voting: 9.03%
Day 3: Thursday October 27:
Registered Voters: 12,874
# In Person on 10/26/22: 288
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,289
Cumulative % In-Person: 10.1%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 170
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 1,459
Cumulative % Early Voting: 11.33%
Registered Voters: 17,672,143 (17.6m)
# In Person on 10/24/22: 373,824
Cumulative In-Person Voters: 1,790,128 (1.79m)
Cumulative % In-Person: 10.13%
Cumulative By Mail Voters: 215,307
Cumulative In-Person & Mail Voters: 2,005,435 (2.0m)
Cumulative % Early Voting: 11.35%